Bar Mitzvah Catering
As a long-established caterer in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Red Table Catering has many years of experience serving New York City’s Jewish community. In addition to providing exceptional, local, artisanal kosher-style foods for innumerable New York City bar mitzvahs and bat mitzvahs, Red Table Catering is delighted to cater any other special event, including Rosh Hashanah, Passover, Kiddush and Chanukah.
Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah
This very special event is a central rite of passage in the Jewish faith. A religious initiation for boys who have reached the age of 13, it’s both a moment of joyous celebration and a sober recognition of the duties and responsibilities of a young man.
For girls, the analogous event is of course the bat mitzvah. A religious initiation for girls who have reached the age of 12 years and one day, it’s both an opportunity to celebrate and an induction into religious maturity.
Bar Mitzvah Catering Menus
Because bar mitzvahs often involve guests and celebrants spanning a wide age range, it’s important to provide a range of foods that will appeal to various generations while remaining careful to observe all relevant cultural and dietary restrictions.
While Red Table Catering does not maintain a kosher kitchen, we have long experience preparing delicious and authentic non-hechsher kosher-style delicacies. In the United States, “Jewish food” often means Ashkenazi cuisine featuring potatoes, braised meats, noodles and other Central European-style dishes. By comparison, the foods of the Sephardic branch of Judaism feature lighter, more vibrant flavors inspired by the sunnier climate of Southern Europe and the Middle East.
Whatever your taste, Red Table Catering can cater to it. From potato latkes to locally made cured and smoked fish and fresh-baked challah, we can recreate a vast variety of traditional celebratory foods from all around the globe.
So if there’s a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah in your family’s future, Red Table Catering can help you design, plan, and cater your family affair with delicious foods fit for all ages. L’chaim!